The fact of the matter is when it comes to weight loss, in some cases more is great and in other cases more isn’t better, and in still other instances more will hurt your weight loss efforts. Today we are going to deal with one aspect of more is not necessarily better, particularly when it comes to aerobic fitness and permanent weight loss!
Aerobics is undeniably one of the most effective methods for losing weight in a fast and effective manner. Aerobics used to be thought of as jumping around in a studio to snappy music or running for hours on end! You either joined a program and jumped around for 30 to 60 minutes a night, a few nights a week, usually in high-impact ecstasy.
or you laced up the New Balance or Nike running shoes and headed out the front door and into the great unknown, usually to huff and puff your way around the block and limp back home…at least at first!
The reality of aerobic fitness, particularly as it relates to weight loss is very different from the truly American mindset that usually goes like this:
“If 30 minutes is great, 60 minutes is fantastic, and 90 minutes will be amazing!”
The mindset of “more is better” permeates much of Western thought and our bodies simply reject it. In fact, if we use this weight loss strategy, our bodies will rebel, usually by way of muscle strain, stress fractures, and overtraining syndrome….complete with fatigue, malaise, and the runs (and I don’t mean up a hill!).
Interestingly, it has been demonstrated time and time again that less is actually a more efficient strategy when it comes to aerobic fitness and weight loss. The reasons are myriad but the one we are interested in here has to do with our body’s way of handling any sort of aerobic exercise.
Let’s say you are about to begin your weight loss program and you do not want to adjust your diet, you like to eat and that’s all their is to it…so you figure you’ll jump on the treadmill or the recumbent bike for a few more minutes or you’ll walk or run for an extra 30 minutes.
Here is how your body works:
1) The first 10 minutes or so gets your body warmed up and your heart rate into the target range (we will get into that in a subsequent article).
2) The next 20 minutes are of maximum benefit, in terms of aerobic benefit and for fat burning purposes.
3) The next 20 minutes and every 20 minutes thereafter there is what is called “diminished returns.”4) Warm down, light stretching and so on.
That’s it! Simple as that. Pick your poison, so to speak!
Here’s why:
1) The first 10 minutes is simply a warm up and the whole purpose is to get your body warmed up and your heart rate into the target zone. The warm up will get blood and oxygen to the muscles so you can exercise efficiently and effectively without injuring yourself.
2) The next 20 minutes is the period when your body achieves maximum benefit; and, this is true regardless of the exercise you are doing. It varies a tiny bit depending on your fitness level but the first 30 minutes, including the warm up, is when most of the weight loss and aerobic benefit is achieved.
3) Every 20 minutes after the first 30 minutes, again including the 10 minute warm up, will yield less of an effect. This is called the point of diminished returns. In reality, every 20 minutes you continue exercising aerobically results in less gain until you would actually begin to go into debt, meaning your body would begin to pay for your efforts by literally tearing itself down to continue to fuel your effort.
This is similar to what happens with marathoners once they hit “the wall” at approximately 20 miles in a race. Of course, the reasons are more complex but diminished returns is part of it…that and the body simply runs out of fuel.
4) Always make sure you stretch and warm down. Don’t simply stop, pack up, and leave the gym or run into the house…take the time to stretch and allow your muscles to cool down. This is for a number of reasons, including the more your stretch, the better you will feel the next day, less soreness too!
Ultimately, walking is the best overall aerobic exercise for a number of reasons. Walking is low impact, it can be done almost anywhere and by anyone, and it is the least expensive form of fitness. All you need to begin walking for weight loss and aerobic fitness are the clothes on your back and a decent pair of shoes.
When it comes to the latter, I cannot stress shoes enough! Shoes are crucial. We will deal with equipment in an upcoming post but if you have started your 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge, make sure you are wearing the proper shoes or you can derail the entire program.
I suggest New Balance (there are several and 1906 are best) or Skechers Shape-ups. If you are planning on jogging at some point or exercising in the gym, the New Balance are a better buy, simply because they are more of an all-around shoe.
So remember, more is not better, less is! Think about the diminishes returns when walking, running, rowing, biking or whatever. Does that mean you won’t benefit from a 60 minute walk?
But remember, the first 30 minutes are optimal and, with each subsequent 20 minute interval, there is less benefit. 20 minutes, including warm up, 3-4 times a week will be more than enough to start. If you are really gung-ho, go 5 or 6 days a week. But take a day off, allow your body to rebuild, and be consistent.
Good luck with your weight loss goals and tomorrow we will discuss the personal assessment and journaling, also key to your weight loss and aerobic fitness success. Remember, we are working on a lifestyle change and it takes all the components working together over a period of days, weeks, months, and even years to create a new you. But if you stay with it, the results will be amazing!
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