You’ve tried it all already – the boring, restrictive diets; the painful, muscle-straining workouts; the latest high-this, low-that fads that never seem to deliver what they promise. Or pills, like garcinia cambogia, that everyone seems to be touting these days.
So now you’re ready for something that really works. That delivers on every promise. You’re ready for the success of Slim Success – with ingredients that deliver.
With Slim Success weight loss formula, you could…
watch the pounds slip away – for real this time
throw out your baggy clothes
keep up with your grandkids
go to the beach without feeling self-conscious
But what makes the Slim Success ingredients different from those other diet pills and fads? How about the ability to lose 3 times more weight than you could with diet and exercise alone? Or the ability to reduce between-meal hunger and even cravings? Because that is exactly what Slim Success offers.
The Better Garcinia: Smarter Ingredients for Slim Success
We realize many people are jumping on the garcinia bandwagon, praising garcinia cambogia as the hottest new weight loss supplement. It’s all over the internet, in specialty stores, and fitness centers. We understand the impulse to just grab a cheap bottle of it next time you’re at the drug store.
Slim Success garcinia mangostana But that would be a mistake. You see, there’s a reason we included garcinia mangostana in Slim Success instead.
See, while the initial reports about garcinia cambogia are okay, scientists are having a hard time replicating those results in placebo-controlled, randomized studies.
That wasn’t good enough for us. We wanted a premium ingredient, one with a history of solid weight-loss results. This led us to garcinia mangostana – a weight loss ingredient that offers reproducible, verifiable results. And with garcinia mangostana, we knew we had the cornerstone of Slim Success ingredients.
Impressive Ingredients, Impressive Results
Slim Success globe thistleYour weight loss success with Slim Success starts with 2 extracts: the fruit extract we just talked about (garcinia mangostana) and a flower extract (Sphaeranthus Indicus, or globe thistle).
Now, you and I both know that any company, any product, that says you can sit on your couch, eat chocolate and French fries all day, take a simple pill and lose weight is lying. It’s not that easy, and we aren’t going to claim it is. But check out the results of a double-blind, placebo controlled study sponsored by the company who created the extract – after 8 weeks of taking the fruit and flower extract,
following a normal 2000 calorie/day diet, and walking for just 30 minutes 5 days per week, the people taking the extract lost 3 times the weight of the people who only dieted and walked. Three times.

As remarkable as those kinds of results are, we weren’t done creating the Slim Success ingredient formula, not quite yet. Not once we discovered a way to address the snacking and cravings that so often sabotage the best intentions. And we did, with Satiereal.
Satiereal is an extract from saffron, a culinary spice that’s been used for thousands of years. Saffron contains a unique hunger-squashing compound called safranal, and it’s only recently that we’ve begun to understand how safranal works to help control cravings.
According to a placebo-controlled study sponsored by the manufacturer, 60 mildly overweight (but otherwise healthy) women taking Satiereal “significantly decreased” their snacking, leading to a “significantly greater body weight reduction” than women taking the placebo. With these incredible results, we knew Satireal deserved a place in the Slim Success ingredients formula.
Slim Success Ingredients: Success in No Time
Weight loss in the clinical studies showed up as early as 2 weeks, and the results got REALLY exciting around the 2-month mark. So we recommend at least a 3-month supply of Slim Success to start.
And for a limited time, you can get a FREE bottle of Slim Success. Simply order 6 bottles and you’ll get one of them absolutely FREE. And rest assured that if Slim Success doesn’t work for you, if you don’t get the success you want, you can return the whole order, even the empties, for a full refund of the purchase price.
If you’re ready to look your best, feel your best, and wow your friends, then you’re ready for Slim Success, with ingredients that provide real results.Order today to claim your FREE bottle of Slim Success: SlimGenics Slim-RepairTM
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